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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Absorption chiller

Dear Sir or Madam,
There are a number of methods by which an absorption chiller and building can be connected. In part it will depend on which absorption chiller model you use and in part it depends on how you have modeled your building. If you have modeled your building in energy rate control and therefore know the building load. Then you can impose that load on the absorption chiller's chilled water flow stream using the TESS "load imposed on a liquid stream" component (in the TESS Loads and Structures library). If you have modeled your building in temperature level control then you need to implement some kind of delivery device (fan coil, chilled ceiling, cool radiant floor), a thermostatic controller, pumps, piping, etc.
Kind regards,

At 21:51 8/25/2007, toyota supra wrote:
Dear all,
i am trying to connect absorption chiller to a multizone building for cooling, but i not sure how it is done...can anyone give me any help..?

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