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Re: [TRNSYS-users] help - shading!!!

Type67 is a generic shading component so whether a building or a side fin is causing the shading doesn't really matter; you can do some basic geometry calculations in order to determine the angular height of the side fins as seen by the center point of the horizontal PV and enter those values into a *.msk file. Assessing the power production from a shaded PV is also a bit complex because power is not a linear function of the amount of shading on a PV panel. The power loss due to partial shading has to do with how the cells are connected in series and in parallel; if one cell in a series string is completely shaded and there is no bypass diode in the panel, that entire string has an open circuit on it and produces no power. Some years ago I wrote a component that assess the amount of shading by rows of collectors (much like Type30) but then makes a pessimistic and an optimistic assumption about the effect of the shading on a given PV panel. Using that component (Type551 in the TESS Green Building Library) you can get an idea of the range of output power that you might get from the shaded PV array but unfortunately, Type551 does not model side fins.

At 11:08 7/9/2007, =?ISO-8859-7?B?yv7z9OHyIM/x5O/17PDv5tzt5/I=?= wrote:
I have a roof with PV. The roof have some sidefins that shade a part of PV's. Is there any module for calculating the shade in a horizontal surface, without having import a building geometry ?

Thank you
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