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Re: [TRNSYS-users] hay

  If you are getting a DLL that is called "typen.dll" then I think you have not correctly assigned a Type number in your proforma. Types in TRNSYS are designated by numbers. In the field just to the right of the icon displayed in the forst tab of the proforma, you should enter a number between 201 and 300. If you choose the number 201 then the fortran that is generated when you export the proforma should have a first line that says:


and a line later that says


If that isn't happening then can you please send me the proforma that you are working with (*.tmf) and the Fortran code that you have modified (*.for).


At 10:12 6/28/2007, habtamu tkubet wrote:
hay trnsys users
I went to constract a new component and I am starting to add the proforma(type number and variables)-save intems of .tmf(trnsys16\stduio\proforma\my components...) then export as fortran... by writing the necessary equation I press F7 and the visual fortran I get typen.dll after this in the simulation studio in the direct acess "refresh" the new component I get in the right side.
my problem is when I went to constract the project in the simulation stduio and connecting with other components and make run I get a error
"A type wase called in the trnsys input file but was either not linked into trndll.dll or wasnot found in an external dll.a dummy subroutine was called in its place. please link the type or remove it from the input file'
then any one that try to insert a newcomponent and it is possible to ran then please help me

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