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[TRNSYS-users] Dear Trnsys users

Dear  TRNSYS User's
I did collect all the information but I do have a problem with a controller i don't know which one to use ,
in my model I have the weather  with the Data from  Detroit, and the PV component with slope and Azimuth
I do have a temperature conversion to convert the weather "C" to K , then charge controller, but I really don't know which controller to use,
then the controller is connected to the batteries and to the inverter, and both are connected to the Load that is the way I understand but, every time i want to run the simulation there is error in the deck , It said two error, and i fixed them now  the is invalid floating point.  I really need help
Please i did I attach the model , if anyone can take a look at it

Attachment: PV Simulation 3.TPF
Description: Binary data