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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Help

 In the image, the box labeled "B" is a Type11 in its "controlled flow diverter" mode and the box labeled "A" is a Type11 in flow mixing mode. You can use whatever tank model you want and the connections should be made to match the image in the documentation. You might also look at the Type11 Mathematical Description for some more details.

At 03:51 5/14/2007, Samuele wrote:
Dear Trnsys users,
I have to model the same problem presented in Trnsys' Help - 05 Component Mathematical reference pg. 197 ( see the image enclosed ) - due to the fact I have to mix
heated fluid with colder supply fluid so that the flow stream to the load is no hotter than necessary.
Th and Ti are rispectively the outputs from the storage tank and the load: I need to build something which calculates the flow rates m_1 and m_2, step by step, so that:
                                      - T_load = 240°C              ( temperature to load )
                                      - m_i = 15000 kg/hr          ( flow rate to load )
I really need an help: could anybody tell me how can I do, which types and controller ( connections)  I have to use ?
Thanks in advance,

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