Dear all,
I want to use a new type, of which I have
the fortran-file, in Trnsys. Therefore I
made a
proforma with the inputs-outputs-parameters of the type and I have put it under "Studio"
< "Proformas". I
stored the Fortran- file under "Source-code" < "Types". However, when
I want to run a
simulation with the type, Trnsys seems not to
find the dll. Can someone
tell me how to link
the Proforma with the dll. I tried by inserting the dll - path in box
"Source code file"
and "Associated files" in the proforma of the type but this seems not
to help.
Thanks a lot!
ir-arch Marijke Steeman
Universiteit Gent Vakgroep Architectuur en Stedebouw Jozef Plateaustraat 22 9000 Gent tel 09 264 37 52 fax 09 264 41 85 |