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Re: [TRNSYS-users] inputs simulation

Dear Xavier,

It seems like an interesting project.
I think that you need to create a new component that does minimization. It could be a modified version of Type22, as it has several features like the minimum, maximum and threshold values for the controlled variable. Please let me know if you need help implementing it.
Best regards,


FAURE Xavier wrote:
Dear all,

I heard it was possible to simulate reverse problem considering the outputs
as inputs. From the outputs, I'd like to calculate the inputs that best fits
at each time step.

TRNOpt software enable to define the parameters that minimise a considering
function but the parameters are constant for each simulation. In my problem,
the parameters I'd like to define evolve at each time step. Hence, to
minimise my function, the parameter I'm playing with must change at each
time step.

Does any one have an idea to do such simulation?
Thanks by advance,

Xavier Faure
Enveloppes & Revêtements
Caractérisation Physique des Matériaux
24 rue Joseph Fourier
38400 Saint Martin d'Heres
Tel : 33 (0)4 76 76 25 74
Fax : 33 (0)4 76 76 25 60
mail : xavier.faure@cstb.fr web : www.cstb.fr

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