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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Weather file

Dear Fabien,


You can easily read weather data that you want. TYPE-109-user will generate for you climate data considering several inputs (beam and diffuse radiation are needed on a surface to define radiation on any tilted surface for example). The inputs and way that TRNSys will read are explained in Mat.ref. manuel chap 5.14.

You can also use Type9 to read data at a specified time step or use Type16 to read solar data.




Xavier Faure


Enveloppes & Revêtements

Caractérisation Physique des Matériaux

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De : Fabien Morice [mailto:fabien.morice@yahoo.fr]
Envoyé : jeudi 22 mars 2007 10:59
À : trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu
Objet : [TRNSYS-users] Weather file


Dear TRNSYS users, I have a question for you :


It is possible to create a weather file ? And how ?

I would like to simulate extreme climatic conditions.


Fabien Morice.



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