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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Regarding external input files

Hi Mohammad,

I am not sure if I understood your question. I have used a different approach when I want to use an external program to set the values of some parameters in a simulation. You may know that you can use a nested input file in TRNSYS. This is done with the instruction 'INCLUDE xxx.yyy', where xxx.yyy is the name of a text file with the additional instructions (please refer to Volume 7, section 7.6.17 The INCLUDE statement).

The external program should write a text file with the names and values of some variables that you will use as parameters in your simulation. For example, the contents of the file 'mytextfile.txt' can be:

VAR_1  =    0.3
VAR_2  =    0.2

In the Studio, go to control cards and add to the 'simulation cards':

INCLUDE mytextfile.txt

In your project, you can assign the values of these variables VAR_1 and VAR_2 to set the values of parameters that you want to change.

I will be happy to elaborate on this strategy if you need more information.
Best regards,


mohammad abdunnabi wrote:
Dear All;

In my project, I'm intending to run TRNSED project by using external program (based on Java). the java program will provide two components of my TRNSED project with input data (as an input) through using external file(s). Dose any of these components (calling external program, Excel Type62, or parameter replacement, type70) do the job. Please any advice.

many thanks in advance

M. Abdunnabi

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