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Re: [TRNSYS-users] type 56 with TrnOpt

Dear Gilles,

I am afraid that there is not a straightforward way to modify internal parameters inside Type56. You would need to modify the *.bui file directly. My idea is to create a new component that opens the *.bui file, and modifies the value of the parameter that you want (for example, wall insulation thickness in a particular wall). This component needs to be called before Type56, in order to update the transfer functions. This alternative could work with TrnOpt. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions, or if you would like to pursue this alternative.
Best regards,


Gilles Fraisse wrote:
dear Trnsys users ,
does anybody has an idea how to optimize the parameters inside the type 56 (for exemple the wall insulation thickness) with TrnOpt ?
G. Fraisse

LOCIE - groupe DENED (Développement Énergétique Durable)
Polytech'Savoie - Université de Savoie
Campus Scientifique Savoie Technolac
73376 - Le Bourget du Lac Cedex (France)
Tel. +33 (0)  (Fax : 81.44)


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