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Re: [TRNSYS-users] active layer

   I have gotten similar messages when I was working with active layers. The first thing I would make sure of is that you are using the latest version of TRNSYS and TRNBuild (16.01.xxxx). Second, the minimum flow rate is a minimum specific flow rate (per unit floor area). Once you set your minimum desired flow rate, click the "autosegment" button and if the flow rate that you specified is lower than is allowed by the floor size, the floor will automatically be broken up into smaller segments that are internally attached in series.
Kind regards,

At 09:29 2/5/2007, Filippo Busato wrote:
Hi everbody!

I have a question concerning the active layer. While I was trying to implement active layers in a building structure, compiling the .bui file I got the following message:

"The min. desired inlet mass flowrate is smaller than the min. allowed inlet mass flowrate.
You may use autosegmentation

I thought MFLOWMIN was calculated from the piping features (diameter, length), in order to avoid transition to laminar flow, as it sounded reasonable, is it correct?

So I tried to change the MinflowCalc from 10 to 11 in the specification window of the surface in the building model (TRNBUILD).
Then, when I compile it the second time I get the same message:

"The min. desired inlet mass flowrate is smaller than the min. allowed omòet mass flowrate.
You may use autosegmentation

What do MFLOWMIN and MinflowCalc mean? Does MinflowCalc depend only on geometrical features?
Can anyone help me in setting these features correcly?

Thank you in advance


Filippo Busato - Ph.D.

Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei sistemi industriali
Str.lla S.Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza (VI)

mailto: busato@gest.unipd.it
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