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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type88

Dear Adrien,

I would recommend that you download the latest release, which is 16.01.0002. We updated the contents of the descriptions in the proforma. Please contact your distributor to download the latest version.

This lumped capacitance model solves two differential equations: energy balance and moisture balance. The rate of humidity is the rate at which moisture is added to the space, in terms of mass of water per hour. I do not know if this solves your question.
Best regards,


Adrien JEZEQUEL wrote:
Dear all,

I d'like to use Type88 (Loads And Structure => Single Zone Models => Lumped Capacitance Building) to model a simple building, with in a swimming pool. In that way, I am trying to understand parameters and inputs significations. When I clic on the "More" button in proforma frame, comments appear. The problem is that they are not linked with what they should say. For example in "parameters":
    Building surface area  -- x -- m² --
Comments: /"The specific heat of the fluid flowing into the hot source side of the heat exchanger".
/And it's not the only one!
So, does anyone can explain me the different parameters and inputs meanings in Type 88? More specially the "Rate of humidity gain" input which I d' like to use in order to define humidity gains caused by the swimming pool.

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Diego A. Arias
TRNSYS Coordinator
Solar Energy Laboratory
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706