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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Parametric Studies in TRNSYS16

I have not run into the problem that you describe. The "Time inconsistency" error might be due to a rounding problem. If you are using a time step that is represented by an infinitely repeating decimal number of hours (5 min = 0.41666666.... hours for example) then the Studio may be writing the time step as a truncated decimal. Why you would have a different result when running from the Studio versus running from TRNEdit is a mystery since as soon as a simulation is launched, the interface (whether Studio or TRNEdit) is totally irrelevant and all that matters is the text in the *.dck file. I would suggest sending the input file and *.bui to your distributor to see if they can help sort out the problem.
Kind regards,

At 04:40 12/5/2006, Jochen Doell wrote:

I am trying to set up a parametric studie in TRNSYS16.
My deck works perfectly in the simulation studio. But after exporting a
*.dck file, running TRNEDIT and defining my table all the simulations
quit after a few hours (sim-time). Reason: Fatal Error, time
inconsistency between data reader and solar radiation processor.
This only happens in TRNEDIT, not in the simulation studio. And,
furthermore, my building connections are wrecked after using TRNEDIT, i
always have to copy my bui-file from the backup back to the folder.

Seems to be a bug, or does anyone have a solution?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

Jochen Döll / Diplomand

Dept. Thermally Active Materials and Solar Cooling

Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme
Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

+49 (761) 4588 5456

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