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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type109-TMY2 slope inputs?

Rémi and Diego,
With a little bit of recoding, it looks to me as though Type109 could be modified to read the slope and azimuth as true inputs. At the moment, while slope and azimuth are designated as inputs, they are only read once at the beginning of the simulation (during a call to a subroutine called input_init). If the lines:

do i=1,r(m)%nsurf
          r(m)%slopes(i) = xin(2*i)
          r(m)%axes(i)  = xin(2*i+1)

from that subroutine were added to a section of Type109 that is called at every time step, I would think that the slope and azimuth would be read in each time step and could come from a file/data reader or from anywhere else that you wanted.

I don't think you can use Type70 unfortunately because that component is designed to deal with actual parameters (values stored in the global PAR() array) and the slope and azimuth for the Type109 surfaces are stored in the global input (XIN()) array.


At 09:46 11/23/2006, Charron, Rémi wrote:
Thanks Diego,
So the inputs in Type109 are really parameters. This still leaves me the problem of needing to be able to read the values for slope and azimuth from an external file at the beginning of the simulation. If Type 109 is simply recompiled with the slope and azimuth defined as parameters, would it still work as it is supposed to? If so, then could I use Type 70 to update the parameters at the beginning of the simulation?

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Diego A. Arias
To: Charron, Rémi
Cc: trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu
Sent: 22/11/2006 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type109-TMY2 slope inputs?

Hi Rémi,

Interesting thought.  If you use the tracking mode 1 (fixed surface), it

is considered that the slope and azimuth are constants.  In the other
tracking modes, the slope is calculated inside Type109.  However, if you

are consistent with the definition of parameters and inputs, Type109
should allow for variable slope and azimuth.
I think that the best way to implement what you propose is through a new

tracking option, in which you give Type109 the slope of the surface at
each time step.
I will think about it, and I will try to implement it and make it
available in the next release.
Best regards,


Charron wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am doing a simulation using Type109-TMY2 to read and analyse my
weather data. I want to read my surface slopes and azimuths from a file.
However, it does not seem to work as Type109 uses the default value as
opposed to the input value.  Here are three observations:
> -If I read from an input file, the default value is used
> -If I enter a constant in an equation and use that as the Type109
input, then it uses the constant from the equation
> -If I use an equation that is not constant, then it will use the first
value read for the whole simulation, for example, if I use
Slope=(Time/100 +35), Type 109 would use 35 slope for the whole
> How can I get around this?  I only need to update the value once at
the beginning of the file based on the value from the input file.
However, it seems that the order that the program executes things makes
it that the weather file is set before it reads my input file,
regardless of the component order that I use.  If the slope was defined
as a parameter as it is behaving then I could use Type70 to modify it.
> Rémi
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