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Re: [TRNSYS-users] several building blocks and type 56

  While it is true that simulations are limited to one instance of Type56 in both TRNSYS 15 and in TRNSYS 16, you can actually simulate more than 1 building simply by setting up zones that have no adjacencies between them. If, however, setting up multiple buildings using Type56 is beyond the scope of work that you want to do, you can use simpler building models such as the lumped capacitance single zone (Type88) or multi zone (Type660 in the TESS Loads and Structures Library) building models.

At 06:45 11/16/2006, Gorissen, R. wrote:
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Dear trnsys users,
I wonder if someone has experience with modeling a somewhat larger communal heating system consisting of several different and independent building blocks (using the same climate data). The peak load of the different blocks will not be entirely the same so the total load is not just the load profile of one building, times the number of buildings. In trnsys 15 it is not possible to use more than one type 56 within one project. Is using different zones in type 56 in the same project  a solution? or generating the different heating demands in different project and combining (summing) them in a data file?
Regards, raf.
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