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[TRNSYS-users] error reading buffer: window surface number is not unique

Hi I'm facing a big problem.

After having compiled a building in prebid4 (trnsys 15) I can't re-open the file, and prebid gives me the following stop message:
"error reading buffer: window surface number is not unique". The same message is given also in Trnbuild (trnsys 16).

I think this has happened since I placed a window on an internal wall.

Has anybody experienced such a problem? Any way out? The building is quite complex, 25 thermal zones and some thousands cm volume, I would try to fix the problem instead of re-building the whole stuff.

Thank you very much.


Filippo Busato - PhD

Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei sistemi industriali
Str.lla S.Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza (VI)

mailto: busato@gest.unipd.it
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tel: +39 0444 998753
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