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Re: [TRNSYS-users] "Did not find TrnDLL.dll".

  Some time ago (a few years), I saw this problem occur if the TRNDll.dll file was too big for the computer that it was trying to run on. Typically the problem would occur when I switched to running my simulation on a laptop that had a slower processor and a smaller amount of RAM. I think you can also get that error message if a DLL that the TRNDll.dll calls is not available. If you have a compiler installed on your computer, I believe that you can right-click on the TRNDll.dll file and select "View Dependencies" It will normally show you what DLLs are accessed by the TRNDll.dll file and will show which one is causing the problem.

At 09:09 7/26/2006, OCTRUE, Delphine wrote:
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Hello Trnsys users!
When I try to run a trnsys project, I have sometimes the error message :"Did not find TrnDLL.dll". It doesn't come from the project itself because I have it with any project and when I try later, without modifying the project, It runs without error message!!
Have somebody the same problem? It's very annoying!
Thanks a lot for your answers.
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