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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Float Vs scientific format

Without debugging the simulation and looking at the value that the TRNSYS engine is actually seeing, I cannot be 100% sure of the cause. Would it be possible to send me the *.trd and any other files that I need in order to run the project?

At 13:46 6/21/2006, Bharath Krishna Karambakkam wrote:
         I have noticed that trnsys gives slightly different results if some
values are specified as float instead of  scientific notation.
        Trnsed tends to save values, entered as input in the interface, in
scientific notation. Is there a reason for this.
For example I have a input for the air changes to the Type 56 building.
When I specify the value as 0.3656 and run Trnsys from the command line. I
get the result for the hours above 60 % RH as 1,824
However when I specify the value as 3.6560000000000E-01 ( which is the
format in which TRnsed saves the value) I get the the Hours above 60% RH as

I agree that the difference may not be much but please let me know if this
is something anticipated.


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