De : ahmed daoud
[] Hi
Werner, Actually
I am using the type 155 but I want to win in speed simulation by compiling the
matlab program into a Dll and use it instead of calling the matlab program with
the type 155. I understand that I must write a wrapper according to TRNSYS calling
conventions. So I have a question, Can I create a skeleton FORTRAN program
using the procedure of adding a new component and after this call in the
fortran program the Dll that I create using Matlab compiler. Yes, that should be feasible ...
You could take a look at Userlib.f90
in the TRNSYS kernel to see how it's done in FORTRAN - this part of
the code uses the LoadLibary function to access
user-written DLLs. You'd have to figure out what the MATLAB function's
API looks like, LoadLibrary() it, get a pointer
to that function using GetProcAddress() and finally call
it (using the pointer) with the The Userlib.f90 is somewhat
hard to understand, because it handles multiple DLLs (containing multiple
types), but if you look up LoadLibary
and GetProcAddress in the Compiler documentation or
in Google, you should find some nice and simple examples. Hope this helps, Werner |