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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Azimuth

Dear Angela,

If your are located in the nortern hemisphere, the azimuth for north should be 180.

I almays hae trouble to remember that. If you clic on the "more" button beside the azimth input in IIsiBAt, you'll read this information :

The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian and
the projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontal
plane. The reference is as follows:
0  = Facing equator
90 = Facing West
180 (or -180) = Facing away from the equator
-90 (or 270)  = Facing East

Surf. Facing due South in Northern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Northern hemisphere: -135
Facing South-West in Northern hemisphere:  +45
Facing due North in Southern hemisphere:     0
Facing North-East in Southern hemisphere:  -45
Facing South-West in Southern hemisphere: +135

Best regards,


A 10:03 21/04/2006 +1000, Angela Marcela Fandino Sepulveda a écrit :
Dear Michael,
My name is Angela Fandino. I am modeling a building with TRNSYS in
Melbourne Australia (Southern Hemisphere). The building is facing North
and I have been using the following Azimuths:

Azimuth of surface 1 (facing North) = 0
Azimuth of surface 2 (facing South) = 180
Azimuth of surface 3 (facing East) = 90
Azimuth of surface 4 (facing West) = 270.

After looking at this link:

it is a bit confusing for me to know if I am using the correct values.
I was wondering if you could please advice/comment on it.
I really appreciate your time and assistance.

Kind Regards,

Angela Fandino
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
The University of Melbourne
Tel: +61 3 8344 4291,
email: a.fandinosepulveda@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
URLs: http://www.civag.unimelb.edu.au/autohome/webpage.php3?login=angelaf

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Isabelle Bruyère                                                
Université Catholique de Louvain                        Place du Levant, 1 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Unité d'architecture - Architecture et Climat           Tél : 010/47 21 38 - Fax : 010/47 21 50
