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Re: [TRNSYS-users] windows

Dear Douglas,
  I don't think that you made a mistake. The window property values that you see in the zone window description come from the brief window description that you put into prgwin in step 5. These values correspond to Window 5's "total window results" field. The properties that you see in the WinID Pool are "center of glass" values taken from data in the DOE2 report. Using the U-value as an example (in red), the data comes from:

Overall and Center of Glass Ig U-values (W/m2-C)
Outdoor Temperature                 -17.8 C      15.6 C      26.7 C      37.8 C
Solar      WdSpd  hcout hrout  hin
(W/m2)     (m/s)     (W/m2-C)
   0        0.00  12.25  3.23  7.54  1.29 1.29  0.86 0.86  0.80 0.80  1.12 1.12
   0        6.71  25.47  3.21  7.55  1.35 1.35  0.89 0.89 
0.81 0.81  1.15 1.15
 783        0.00  12.25  3.37  8.14  1.43 1.43  1.20 1.20  1.06 1.06  0.89 0.89
 783        6.71  25.47  3.29  8.03  1.52 1.52  1.27 1.27  1.14 1.14  0.89 0.89

However, whatever you see displayed in TRNBuild (either in the Zone Window or in the WinID-Pool) is just for display purposes. Type56 performs its own calculation of window u-value and SHGC internally during each time step of the simulation. There are Type56 outputs (NTYPEs) that will allow you to see the values that Type56 is actually calculating for the window properties.

Kind regards,

At 06:29 4/20/2006, douglas mvuama massamba wrote:

We have problems when adding new windows to Type 56 of
TRNSYS. First , we create a window system with WINDOW
5 software and we generate a DOE2 report. Then to add
the window data to the TRNSYS library , we do the

1.We copy the text of the window data file and paste
it into the file trnsys\Building\Lib
\American \W4-lib.dat below the rest of the windows
but before the line that reads ***END OF LIBRARY***
2.We modify the name of the new window entry to read
?TRNSYS 16 Window Lib?.
3.We modify the Window ID to read X  where X is the
next available number following the other TRNSYS
4.We add the text of the window data file to the file
trnsys\Building\Lib\American \
\prgwin.dat.We repeat the steps 1 through 3, pasting
the information into the prgwin.dat file below the
existing windows but before the line that reads***END
5. We add a brief description of our window in three
places. The first is at the bottom of the W4-lib.dat

For example:                                             U        g        Tsol    Rfsol 

6001 Triple,Ar,Air     3.0/8.0/3.0/12.7/3.0       1.91
 0.561  0.598  0.167    0.594

The second place is a t the bottom of the prgwin.dat
file . Paste the line

6001 Triple,Ar,Air     3.0/8.0/3.0/12.7/3.0       1.91
 0.561  0.598  0.167    0.594

at the bottom of the prgwin .dat file just above the
line that reads EXTENSION_WINPOOL_END_

The last place is in the prgwin.dat file, this time as
the last item in the first list , directly above the

TRIPAIRAR  : Triple Pane , vinyl frame , argon , air ;
6001 ,90 , 1.910 , 0.561 , 11.000 , 64.000 , 0.150 ,
8.170  , 0.600 , 0.000 , 0.000 , 0.500 , 0.100 , 0.500

8.170 is the U value of the frame in KJ/h.m2K. Is this

Our problem is that when opening in TRNBUILD the Zone
Window and opening the window library , the window
appears with the properties from the DOE2 report in
the Window Types , but with other different properties
in the WinID-Pool, which are incorrect.

Where is the mistake??


Dpto Máquinas y Motores Térmicos
Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingeniería
Universidad del País Vasco


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