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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Confusion in Type42

Hello, David,


Thank you very much for the answer. I understand and agree with your reasons. And I understand that you purposely program like this. I just always confuse when I use 3 independent variables, especially when setting the input for type42a.


What do you think, if you could add a blanket behind the questions for the parameter No. 4,5 and 6 of type 42a, as  
’Number of value of 1st ind. Var (3rd line)
’Number of value of 2nd ind. Var (2nd line)

’Number of value of 3rd ind. Var (1st line)


It would probably be the same for you and everybody, but I feel that it reminds me to think again before entering the data.


Kind regards,



From: trnsys-users-bounces@engr.wisc.edu [mailto:trnsys-users-bounces@engr.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of David Bradley
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:19 PM
To: Wimolsiri Pridasawas; trnsys-users@engr.wisc.edu
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Confusion in Type42


  The structure of external data files read by the DATA, DYNDATA, or DynamicData subroutines is that the first line in the file contains the value of the highest order independent variable. Thus if you have three independent variables, line 1 in the data file should contain the values of the "third" independent variable. Line 2 should contain the values of the "second" independent variable and line 3 should contain the values of the "first" independent variable. This structure makes it easier to add new independent variables (and the dependent variables that go along with them) to data files; the new independent variables go at the top of the file and the new corresponding dependent variables go in a block at the beginning of the data section instead of scattered throughout the data section.
Kind regards,

At 05:15 3/28/2006, Wimolsiri Pridasawas wrote:

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There is a confusion in the code of function subroutine DATA, type 42a and 42b (conditioning equipments for 3 and 2 variables). According to the manual for subroutine ‘DATA’ (page 62, programmerguide), which is used for interpolate the data sets, in the external data access file (*.dat file),

The first row is the value of the independent variable 2
The second row is the value of the independent variable 1

To avoid the mistake and confusion, could you please consider changing or renaming the independent variable of type 42a and 42b as,

The first row is the value of the independent variable 1
The second row is the value of the independent variable 2
The second row is the value of the independent variable 3

The model has probably been changed, but the current version (16.00.0037) that I am using now make me confuse quite a lot.

Best regards,





Wimolsiri Pridasawas

Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan

Inst. för Energiteknik

Tillämpad Termodynamik och Kylteknik

SE-100 44 Stockholm


Tel. +46(0)8 790 7889

Fax. +46(0)8 20 30 07


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