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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type91 hot/cold side

Dear Amandine,

'Hot' and 'Cold' are just labels for two streams. Perhaps, we should just called them 'stream 1' and 'stream 2'. You can give a high temperature to the stream labeled as 'cold' without problems. In this type, the user specifies the effectiveness, so the type does not care about the configuration of the heat exchanger (parallel flow, cross flow, etc.). The model is very simple, and is based only on energy balance. You have to make sure that the temperatures of the outlet streams are reasonable, i.e., the outlet temperature of the stream that had a higher inlet temperature should be higher than the temperature of the other stream.
Best regards,


Amandine LE DENN wrote:

Dear TRNSYS users,
I am using Type91 as heat exchanger; I am afraid of misunderstanding what are "Hot side" and "Cold Side". Is it a matter of temperatures' levels ? then what happen when both parts need same temperatures? or is it a matter of primary system and secondary system (one is on the left side, the other is on the right side) ? Thank you for your answers,
Kind Regards,
Amandine LE DENN
INSA Toulouse
Mel: amandine.le-denn@tecsol.fr <mailto:amandine.le-denn@tecsol.fr>
105 avenue Alfred KASTLER
Tecnosud - B.P 434
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