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[TRNSYS-users] Call for papers SESCI & CSBRN

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had relaxing holidays.  I would like to announce the call for
papers for the joint conference of a newly formed Canadian Solar Buildings
Research Network and the 31st annual conference of the Solar Energy Society
of Canada.  The conference will be held at Concordia University in Montreal
on August 20-24, 2006.  Deadline for abstract submissions is Feb 15, and May
15 for full papers.  We encourage the participation of international

See attached call for papers for more details.  For more information please
contact network manager, Meli Stylianou, at solarnet@encs.concordia.ca or
the president of the Solar Energy Society of Canada, Rémi Charron, at


Rémi Charron

Attachment: 2006_SESCI_CSBRN_Conference.pdf
Description: Binary data