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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TYPE 109

Dear Javier,

I?ve already thought about this problem because we have the same problem in France. If you study the global thermal behaviour of your system (for example the yearly energy balance of a building), impact of the one hour summer shift is insignificant, you can neglect it (you can also compare your simulation results with and without taking this shift into account, to see the difference?)

Personnally, in building simulations, I take this shift into account in the ?internal sollicitations? of my building (especially in internal gains) and I use simulation results in local time without the shift. Weather data are not concerned with the ?political decision to shift the legal time in summer?, this is human behaviour wich is changing. The most important is to have the right agreement between meteorological sollicitations and human sollicitations of your system. But in this way I suggest to you, it is easier to use simulation results correctly.

Hope this help,
At 10:33 15/11/2005, javier mota wrote:
halo, i am javier mota from 3i madrid, spain
i think there is 1 error in my last mail.
it said:
tmy2 data ,refered to time, represents time in  local standard time.
local standard time  is UTC + a number of hour depending on time zone.
So spain, UTC+1= local standard time.Am I oK?
Due to dayligt saving time , in summer time, here, spain we make UTC+2
But  local standard time =UTC+1 even then, in the TMY2 format
Any case type 109, reads the tmy2 values and output from this element begins with time=0,
when tmy2 first hour is 1, for madrid, spain, for example.
So I think I must add to the output TRNYS 1 hour in winter and 2 in summer to get the time that my clock,Is all oK.
but I have a look to tmy2 data and output data radiation
so, in relation to output time in plotter i must no add time in winter and 1 in summer to match the trnysys output time in the output plotter to the time in my clock,I think i am correct now; is it so?
thank you in advance.

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