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[TRNSYS-users] TMY2 and Hour of day in local standard time

I am javier mota from 3i madrid, spain.
tmy2 data ,refered to time, represents time in  local standard time.
local standard time  is UTC + a number of hour depending on time zone.
So spain, UTC+1= local standard time.Am I oK?
Due to dayligt saving time , in summer time, here, spain we make UTC+2
But  local standard time =UTC+1 even then, in the TMY2 format
Any case type 109, reads the tmy2 values and output from this element begins with time=0,
when tmy2 first hour is 1, for madrid, spain, for example.
So I think I must add to the output TRNYS 1 hour in winter and 2 in summer to get the time that my clock,Is all oK.
I will thank somebody answer this mail
thank you in advance.

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