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Re: [TRNSYS-users] parametric table with type 56

Dear Christophe:

Unfortunately, the renaming of the output files only occurs in files that have the same file name as the input file.

An alternative could be to take advantage of the possibility that TRNSYS can be run from the command line. If you type 'TRNExe.exe Input.dck', TRNSYS will start and execute the input file Input.dck This alternative allows you to run batch files. For example, you can have in your batch file:

"C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\Exe\TRNExe.exe" "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\MyProjects\input1.dck" /N "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\Exe\TRNExe.exe" "C:\Program Files\Trnsys16\MyProjects\input2.dck" /N

In this case, TRNSYS will start and run input1.dck, close, open again and run input2.dck. The command /N tells TRNSYS not to display the dialog box at the end of the simulation.

This may not be the cleanest solution, since you will have to create the input files by hand, but I do not know of another way to work out this problem. Please let me know if you need additional information of how to implement this.
Best regards,


Enertech wrote:

Dear TRNSYS Users,

In a building simulation study, I want to do a batch simulation by changing automatically several parameters. So, I would like to use TRNEDIT and a parametric table. My problem is that the file I want to use,"Energy_zone.bal", is overwritten at each simulation and that I don't know how to increment this file name.

I know that the output file must have the same name that the *.trd file to be incremented but I don't know how to change the name of energy_zone.bal. As a solution, I'm trying to recalculate the data contained in the file "energy_zone.bal" with direct outputs of the *.bui file, but I don't know how to calculate QTRANS and QSOLGAIN (see volume 6 part 2, page 103), these variables are not direct outputs.
So, what do you think I should do ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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TRNSYS Coordinator
Solar Energy Laboratory
University of Wisconsin - Madison
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Madison, WI 53706