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[TRNSYS-users] Type 19 bug?


I think I found a bug in Type 19, more specifically in the Geometry
calculator (for Rectangular parallelpiped method).  In parameters 5-10 of
that type, you specify wall surface, floor and ceiling numbers.  However, in
order to have a smooth operation, the surfaces need to be numbered in a
specific way.  Parameters 5 through 10, need to be numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6 in
that order.  I believe the problem originates from the Enclosure subroutine.

The reason I discovered this, was that I was getting the following error
message when I should not have been: "The horizontal placement + width of
window or door number X exceeds the total width of the wall.  Please check
the geometry specification."

Even though I would say that a wall was associated with the Width
(parameters 5 or 7), it would register as being associated with the Length
because I had it numbered as either 2 or 4.  Wall numbers 1 and 3 are with
the width, and 2 and 4 are with the length, regardless of what you enter in
parameters 5-8.  
