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[TRNSYS-users] several problems with active layer

Dear trnsys users,

I'm having a lot of problems with a simulation with an active layer (modelling a sort of capillary system, having many small pipes in parallel;
the panel is split into 4 parts by the autosegmentation in PreBid): The oscilllations are more likely to occurr if the radiant system is switched on/off.
Changing the simulation time step from a few minutes to 1 h has no effect.
Convergence and integration relative tolerances are set to 0.001.
No convergence problem is reported in the list file.

I wonder if anybody encountered such problems with active layers simulation.
Any suggestion will be useful, since I really don't know how to go on !

Many thanks in advance


Adriana Angelotti, PhD
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Ambiente Costruito (Best)
v. Bonardi 3
20133 Milano
Ph    +39 02.2399.5183
Fax  +39 02.2399.5118
e-mail adriana.angelotti@polimi.it