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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 56

Dear Olympia,
  Yes it is possible with Type56. The process is identical to what would be done using Type19. The change that you will probably have to make is to add a number of outputs to your building from within TRNBuild so that the system components are able to know not only the temperature but also the relative humidity, etc. of the zones in the building. You will also need to add appropriate inputs to your building model so that you can connect the outputs of your system components to the inputs of the building.
Kind regards,

At 03:49 AM 5/26/2005, Olympia Zogou wrote:
Dear Trnsys16-users,
I'm trying to introduce a model of a boiler and radiators in the rooms
of a family house, I model with type 56. Is it possible to add such components
in association with type 56?
(I have seen an example only with type 19)



best regards <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




Dipl.-Ing. Olympia Zogou

Laboratory of Thermodynamics & Thermal Engines

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

University of Thessaly

Pedion Areos, 383 34 Volos, Greece

Tel. (+3024210) 74013, Fax (+3024210) 74096,

E-mail: olyz@uth.gr

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