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[TRNSYS-users] Garage Heating

I simulated an existing 5-bay garage and attached 2000 sf offices in Colorado, and calibrated a DOE-2 model with real weather and bills. Infiltration must be about 65% of the annual building heat load, even with fairly bad walls. The owner wants to build another one with minor changes. The garage is heated with overhead low-intensity tube heaters with a combined output of 200 Btuh/sf. The high capacity can also handle some ventilation, if anyone ever turned it on. When it is cold and the doors are opened the thermostats will kick all these heaters on. With bay doors on each side, the room is probably over 100 ac/hr for an hour per day and there are a few more hours with just one door open, depending on occupant behavior.

I notice that radiant hydronic in-floor heat is installed in repair garages at 35 Btuh/sf at design conditions, much lower than my system. It would seem the heat rate off the floor could increase momentarily when a draft of cold air hits a warm floor, but is limited over time to the much smaller boiler capacity. So is some of the claimed savings from in-floor heat in these types of spaces just from less "recovery capacity," and less output during periods of extreme airflow. I suppose I could "simulate" this by merely reducing the capacity while leaving the infiltration schedule the same, and I would just show more hours with loads not met. My old standby DOE-2 has limitations for this type of situation obviously. These peak infiltration events are subhourly; my workaround is to group them into an hour, and the calibration to monthly bills is actually quite good.

Does anyone know of comparisons between similar buildings with these two types of "radiant" heat, or have experiences with actual installations, or other programs. The setpoint is already down at 60F so I'm not going to "simulate" one system as better than another by changing the setpoint down.

Fred W. Porter
Senior Engineer
Architectural Energy Corp.