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[TRNSYS-users] error23 deck+external zip file

Dear trnsys users

following my error23 problem, please find here a zip file with the deck and the needed external files.

2 origins for the problems have be seen until now:
 - a .tpf name for the deck in place of a .dck
 - a string as logical number for a data reader unit called "lux"

Both have been fixed without any succes.

Thanks for your help anymore.

Geoffrey van Moeseke, Ir. Architecte

Architecture et Climat, Université Catholique de Louvain
Place du Levant 1,
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
tél : + 32 10 47 21 38
fax : + 32 10 47 21 50

Attachment: error23.zip
Description: Zip archive