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Re: [TRNSYS-users] (no subject)

fatema najate wrote:

I m simulating a house built out of earth with a type 56, and for wall thicknesses > 30cm the results are not ‘good’. I have tried to change the subroutine that calculates the transfer function coefficients but I do not succeed; how can I do this? IS there another way that solves the problem?**

Type 56 is known to have a problem to calculate the wall transfer functions of very thick (massive) walls. If you are using a time base that is less than 1 hour, you can try using 1 hour since this will usually give good results even if your simulation uses a shorter time step. If you are already using a "large" time base, one workaround is to split the wall in two identical parts separated by a fictitious zone. Set the convection coefficient to a very high value in the fictitious zone, and its volume to a very small value. I am not aware of any problems related to that technique except for the fact that it's not as convenient as being able to define the wall directly.

Kind regards,

Michaël Kummert

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Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu

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TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys