Vitte Thibaut wrote:
I want to rebuild TRNDLL.dll, because I want to add a type of my own. I useIntel fortran 8.1.019 with MS Visual Studio.NET 2003 7.1. I have opened the profect file "Ivf81-MVS2OO3" and when I rebuild the solution,there are warnings about "locally defined symbols" that I assume to be normal, but there are also numerous errors, typically TRNDll error LNK2019: external symbol non resolved TRNSYSFUNCTIONS_mp_GETSIMULATIONTIMESTEP referenced in fonction _TYPE58 or TRNDll error LNK2001: exrenal symbole non resolved TRNSYSFUNCTIONS_mp_ERRORFOUND The dll isn't created. The PDF file "progammersguide" tells that there is nothing to do except to load the solution and to generate the dll in order to compile TRNSYS...
The Intel compiler is not fully supported in the current release of TRNSYS 16 (we actually have most problems at runtime, not when compiling or linking the project). Until we find a solution to those problems, you can use the Intel compiler to add Types to TRNSYS by compiling and linking them into an external DLL that you put in the \UserLib folder. There is no need to recompile TRNDll.dll if your only purpose is to add Types.
Kind regards, Michaël Kummert -- _________________________________________________________ Michaël Kummert Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison 1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706 Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589 Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464 E-mail: SEL Web Site: TRNSYS Web Site: