I am trying to update a TRNSYS15 type in TRNSYS16. The type is using the command :INQUIRE(UNIT=124,OPENED=FLAG,NAME=FNAME)which returns a flag indicating if a file is connected and the name of the file assigned at the logical unit LUP.FLAG is defined as LOGICAL FNAME is defined as CHARACTER*60 In my deck, I have written : ASSIGN T:/xxxx/xxx/xxxxx.xx 124But when I run my simulation, the INQUIRE command returns me a False flag and can't find any file. When I use my type in legacy mode, it founds the file and returns me a true flag.Is this command already available ? Shall I use another command ?
INQUIRE is a Fortran statement so it is available to all (Fortran) TRNSYS Types. The fact that it tells you that the logical unit is not associated probably comes from a limitations of Fortran DLL's:
SHARING LOGICAL UNITS (FILES) BETWEEN DLL'S Typical symptoms:You assign a file in the TRNSYS input file and that file seems to be inaccessible to user-Types compiled in an external DLL. - An "Inquire" statement tells you that the Logical Unit is not associated to a file - Attempts to write to / read from the file create "fort.nnn" (where nnn is the logical unit)
Solution:If a TRNSYS Type uses a file that is opened and closed by the kernel (i.e. a file managed through an "ASSIGN" statement in the deck, or an "External File" in a Studio proforma), the logical unit is associated to the actual file in TRNDll. If a Type that accesses the file is compiled into a separate DLL in UserLib: - Both DLL's must be linked to the DLL form of the Fortran run-time libraries. Use "/libs:dll" in the command line, or set "Project Settings\Fortran\Libraries" to "Single-threaded DLL" in the Visual Studio ("Debug Single-threaded DLL" for debug configuration). - Furthermore, all DLL's must be compiled in the same mode (Debug or Release). Note that by default TRNSYS is shipped with a Release TRNDll.dll, but a Debug DLL is available in "\Compilers\Cvf66\TRNDll\Debug".
Please let us know if this fixes your problem. Michaël Kummert -- _________________________________________________________ Michaël Kummert Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison 1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706 Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589 Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464 E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys