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[TRNSYS-users] solar radiation in second skin facade model
Dear all,
I have a question concerning the model of a second skin facade:
My model consists of two rooms: one represents the second skin facade
(single glass (g-value 0,9) on exterior side, double glass (g-value 0,6) on
the office side. So:
exterior | 2nd skin || internal office room
The problem is about the solar radiation entering the office room. Even
without any sunshading device within the second skin, the total solar
radiation absorbed in the office room (zone output 75) appears to be much
lower than one would expect based on the total solarradiation entering the
second skin and the g-value of the double-glass window (Qin*g-value).
I am not clear about what TRNSYS does with the solarradiation after passing
the first single glass layer. Does it all become diffuse radiation or
something else and therefore is treated differently by the second double
glass-layer? I already put the geosurf factor of the double glass window on
1, but that doesn't help much. Can anyone shed some light on this, or did
anyone ever experience similar "glass-after glass"-problems? Thanks in
Philip van den Enden
Cauberg-Huygen Raadgevende Ingenieurs BV
Bezoekadres: Boterdiep 48, 3077 AW ROTTERDAM
Postadres: Postbus 9222, 3007 AE ROTTERDAM
Telefoon: +31 (0)10 - 4 25 74 44
Fax: +31 (0)10 - 4 25 44 43
Web: http://www.chri.nl
E-mail: p.vandenenden@chr.chri.nl
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